Hello! Stanislav gave us the go ahead. If you’re a beta tester, you should have your promotional code and instructions in-hand today. For the rest of you, if everything goes well, you’re in the rotation for next week. As we head into the home stretch with release of the new CotranslatorAI editions and the AI Workflow Integrators, I would like to share with you a bit more about what we’re doing. It should be obvious that our investment in CotranslatorAI has been significant. We also believe you want us to keep improving and making this tool something that empowers us as language professionals to become independently more productive. We’re not going to prosper by relying on the cookie-cutter AI workflows built into the CAT tools; we have to go further and that’s what CotranslatorAI is all about. Here’s the vision of CotranslatorAI: “To keep translators and other language professionals embedded in the highest quality translation workflows in the industry” With that in mind, we are building a business model for the future, which alas, requires that we put a price on our products. And making it subscription based, rather than a one-time purchase, aligns our interests with yours, which is for CotranslatorAI to stay up to date and keep getting better in these dynamic times. CotranslatorAI Intermediate One of our early concerns about going paid was that we didn’t want to leave any of you behind, and we didn’t want you to simply lose anything you’d come to expect. That’s why all 700+ people who registered a download of CotranslatorAI Free by yesterday are eligible for a $1 upgrade to CotranslatorAI Intermediate. (We’ve even thrown in a free, in-depth workshop. More on that below.) CotranslatorAI Intermediate is basically the same product as CotranslatorAI Free (with a few tweaks), so by upgrading for $1, you will lose nothing. And you will lock in a year of updates to the latest models, other minor improvements, and perhaps a new feature or two. CotranslatorAI Advanced The new multi-tabbed prompting in CotranslatorAI Advanced is an exciting update that builds a base for the future. Not only has it already unlocked new prompting concepts for me in my workflow simply because I can now set aside tabs for auxilliary tasks, but it also builds the foundation for some truly awesome power in the future. Imagine having two LLMs work together on linguistic tasks (did I mention we want to add more models to CotranslatorAI Advanced this year?). Or what about having the AI perform quality evaluations in one tab in the background while you work in another. For that matter, if you’re tired of waiting for the AI to translate big chunks of text, just open a new tab and have it start on the next chunk while it’s working on the first. There is no bottleneck from operating multiple tabs; they all run at full speed! Dave will have a more detailed article about this feature for the AI4LanguageProfessionals group soon. If you’re not a member over there yet, then you should join today; here’s the link: https://ai4languageprofessionals.groups.io/g/main. CotranslatorAI Starter Some of our users are students and beginning linguists who need to watch their pennies. We didn’t want to leave them behind. Another criteria I had was that CotranslatorAI Starter must be robust enough for a user to follow along with everything I’ll be teaching in my upcoming AI Workflow Integrators or other online presentations. So in discussions with a couple of our users in academia, we looked for a reasonable tradeoff between functionality and limitations that would keep everyone happy, and to do so without making CotranslatorAI Starter time limited. We hope we’ve found that balance. As a result, anyone can use CotranslatorAI Starter (including the very latest GPT-4-Turbo model!) for free (well, you still have to pay OpenAI for data). AI Workflow Integrators A year ago we were all ga-ga-ing about the amazing things that generative AI lets us do in our work… at least in theory. Reality set in when we realized that getting from knowledge of what’s possible to actually executing all that stuff efficiently turns out to be harder than expected. Our laser-focused goal is to make CotranslatorAI the tool for bridging that gap. And now the AI Workflow Integrators are our training vehicle for finally helping you realize tangible gains from generative AI in your work. By doubling-down on three specific topics in three-hour workshops, we intend to create the definitive courses in the language industry for language professionals in these areas, and to keep improving them. If you’re still on the fence about generative AI, I encourage you to take our three AI Workflow Integrator workshops. I know this email is long, but bear with me for one more paragraph…. As with everything we’re doing at CotranslatorAI, we want to do right by you with the AI Workflow Integrators. Your registration for one or all of the three AI Workflow Integrators does not expire; you will be eligible for updates in the form of ongoing access to both previous and future material. It is our goal to update the content of these workflows periodically and present live “refresher” workshops that alumni may keep attending without paying again. Did I mention that each AI Workflow Integrator will also have its own discussion board for further learning and exchange? If you made it this far, thank you! Look for my email next week. Thanks, Steven PS – For more information about the new CotranslatorAI editions:, visit https://cotranslatorai.com/editions/. For more information about the AI Workflow Integrators, visit https://cotranslatorai.com/training/