
Would you like to join our ad hoc beta testers group for the new CotranslatorAI editions we are releasing later this month?

If you join, I’ll send your promotional code to you a few days earlier than everyone else and ask you to go through and report on the purchase and upgrade process, and any issues you have with the software. If necessary, one of us on the CotranslatorAI team can work with you individually to resolve challenges. Depending on circumstances, we might even set up a Zoom call for time-available testers to discuss the release.

As I explained in my email on Tuesday, you’ll get CotranslatorAI Intermediate (+ free AI training) for $1 or CotranslatorAI Advanced (+ even more free AI training) for $40.

We’re still at least a week away from being ready with the beta version. But if you’re interested in getting into this crack team of insiders, email me at my direct address at sbammel@koreanconsulting.com. Your participation will automatically make you an elite user, not to mention the boost it will give us in getting started on the right foot.

I hope to hear from you!

