

Thanks to the generous testing, thoughful feedback, and kind words of support from the beta testers, the new editions of CotranslatorAI are ready for release. A big thank you to all of our beta testers!


Check your email tomorrow, Tuesday, 21 May. At 11:00 GMT, I will send you your individual promotion code to get CotranslatorAI Intermediate + AI Workflow Integrator A for USD $1 or CotranslatorAI Advanced + AI Workflow Integrators A, B, and C for USD $40.


Also, mark your calendar for next Thursday, 30 May at 14:00 GMT, when we will present a 45-minute Zoom call titled: “CotranslatorAI Can Do That? All New Prompts, Use-Cases, and Techniques.” Get ready for a fast-paced overview of some CotranslatorAI magic we’ve never demonstrated publicly before. Later this week, I will send you more information about the Zoom call.


Thank you for your interest in what we’re doing; see you on the other side.


Steven (for the team)